Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mr. Chemistry

Now the one of the 10 who responded did not have a photo, but that's okay. I took the risk and he offered to send me one. Sugarbabies, make sure you have an alternate e-mail to protect yourself! Although I do use real photos, I do not give out my real e-mail. Some sugarbabies go as far as getting a prepaid phone. I did not but I have become rather selective with who I give my number to.

Our message exchange was short and sweet and he e-mailed me his photo and ended his last message with his number. I was pleasantly surprised and his photo was in sync with his profile. He surely seemed like a great catch! But of course, I do not want to count the chickens before the eggs were hatched but I did hope for the best.

We ended up texting almost daily and kept trying to meet up. He kept pushing the date further and further back and I almost gave up. Although sugarbabies need to be flexible, I just wasn't sure anymore until he finally invited me to his office. His invitation showed me he was serious about this and most importantly, legit.

Mr. Chemistry owned his own business and is a multimillionaire. Not only that but he was nice, outgoing and extremely funny!!! Now it was his humor that really turned me on. If a guy can't make me laugh, he's history. I met him at his office and we hit it off. We laughed a lot and told each other our stories. Before I left, I said I liked him and we should meet up again. I parted with a cash gift and an enormous smile on my face.

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