Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mr. Chemistry

Now the one of the 10 who responded did not have a photo, but that's okay. I took the risk and he offered to send me one. Sugarbabies, make sure you have an alternate e-mail to protect yourself! Although I do use real photos, I do not give out my real e-mail. Some sugarbabies go as far as getting a prepaid phone. I did not but I have become rather selective with who I give my number to.

Our message exchange was short and sweet and he e-mailed me his photo and ended his last message with his number. I was pleasantly surprised and his photo was in sync with his profile. He surely seemed like a great catch! But of course, I do not want to count the chickens before the eggs were hatched but I did hope for the best.

We ended up texting almost daily and kept trying to meet up. He kept pushing the date further and further back and I almost gave up. Although sugarbabies need to be flexible, I just wasn't sure anymore until he finally invited me to his office. His invitation showed me he was serious about this and most importantly, legit.

Mr. Chemistry owned his own business and is a multimillionaire. Not only that but he was nice, outgoing and extremely funny!!! Now it was his humor that really turned me on. If a guy can't make me laugh, he's history. I met him at his office and we hit it off. We laughed a lot and told each other our stories. Before I left, I said I liked him and we should meet up again. I parted with a cash gift and an enormous smile on my face.

Knowledge is Power

As you can see, I am trying to play catchup with my posts in relation to my experiences thus far. As the title of this post says, "Knowledge is Power". It is power! My hands on experience with Mr. Diamond led me to arm myself. I started scouring the internet for all types of articles and books about the sugar lifestyle. Like many of you, I ran into JessBunny's blog which further enticed me into this lifestyle. Now if I could get $10K a month...Wow, I wouldn't know what to do with myself!

I ended up purchasing two very good books. The first was SugarDaddy Dating 101, which I bought direct from the author's site as Amazon had it for double or triple the original price! The second I bought was the book by SA.com. Both were informative but I preferred the latter of the two; SD 101 was rather funny. I would recommend both, but if you are on a budget, I would suggest getting "Seeking Arrangement" first.

Now that I armed myself with experience, blogs and books, I was ready to start hunting again. This time I decided to message some potential daddies. Of the 10 or so daddies in my area that I messaged, only one replied. Such a ratio is discerning and it's kind of like job hunting. It can become depressing but you just have to learn to carry on and persist!


Back in August when I met Mr. Diamond, I thought about cooling off my search for my ultimate SugarDaddy. I just did not realize I needed to reevaluate my standards, what I want out of such an arrangement and that chemistry is extremely important.

I have various reasons for wanting a SugarDaddy:

1) I had been aimlessly dating for the past 2 years and the last guy I dated was the last straw. I was emotionally drained and could not put myself out there anymore. Sure, I was starting to get a little lonely despite being very independent, so I thought why not!

2) I recently finished school and have no idea what I want to do professionally. On the other hand, I DO have MANY things I'd like to try, complete or have done, such as modeling, cultivating my artistic abilities, plastic surgery, new car and more!

3) I have the looks and personality, so why not?

After reflecting on my experience with Mr. Diamond, I realized that chemistry is extremely important. I got along with Mr. Diamond but physically, he was far from my type. Once September hit, I took a firm grip on my standards and reinstated my search for the ultimate SugarDaddy!

Mr. Diamond

By viewing someone's profile, you are sending them a message. I don't mean a literal message, but one that invites them to view your profile.

There are several members on SA that are "Diamond Club Members", meaning that their wealth and identity are verified; you know they are the real deal. A few days after browsing some of them, I was delightfully surprised that one of them messaged me. His message was straight to the point that he would spoil me endlessly. He gave me his number.

My reply was that I wanted to talk more online before speaking on the phone. He did not reply. I sensed that he thought I was a waste of time because I would not call or give my number out. I was seriously being careful but in a way, I could understand. He wanted to cut through the bullshit.

I ended up giving him my number and he called the next day. I honestly have somewhat of a phone phobia as I loathe talking on the phone. I let it go to voice mail and later mustered up the courage to call him. Mr. Diamond was rather funny and we hit it off on the phone. Since I had plans that evening, we met up the next day.

My first mistake here was that I did not meet him at a public place. My second mistake was that I did not tell anyone what I was up to. I hate to admit it but I was being naive. Luckily no harm came my way and I definitely learned my lesson.

I met with Mr. Diamond who was traveling here on business. He was very straightforward, even when we were on the phone. He brought up the financial aspect of the arrangement and his expectations; however, I was not expecting him to try and sleep with me right then and there! Long story short, I was not attracted to him, his expectation of wanting sex right off the bat was a put off (hire an escort will ya!) and well, I learned A LOT from this meeting and it was time to reevaluate.

Online Dating

I have never had the urge to join an online dating site, with the exception to one where I joined when I was 18. It was an online dating site for those who were in the alternative culture, aka "goths", "punks" and "vampires". Nothing came of it and it was kind of silly looking back, at least my photos were kind of silly.

I ended up joining two sites, SD and SA.com. I joined SD first and found them to be a rip off. Seriously, paying just to read your messages? I guess that is a popular scheme though because from reading other blogs, e-harmony and match.com seem to do the same. I purchased a membership and had my inbox fill up. I won't lie, it was quite the ego boost.

I chatted with a few and even exchanged a few photos but nothing came out of SD. The majority of these men were looking for a traditional relationship and bashed "gold diggers". I mean, are you serious? You do realize that this website is called "Sugardaddie" after all. After 2 weeks, I closed my account and opened one with SA.

SA was a lot more promising and cheaper! It also had a lot more functions and many were looking for an arrangement. I still could not fathom those who were looking for a traditional relationship on such a site; you men should be on match.com!!!

Although my inbox was filling up at a steady pace, not all messages were of quality. I had those who were straight up crude, brash and trashy; however, there were also a handful of decent ones. Some straight up gave me their phone numbers which I though was hastey. I realized later that they are the serious ones who cut through the bullshit. That's what I need.

There is always some truth to any joke

I have always joked around about having and getting a SugarDaddy, but I never took it seriously until about a month and a half ago.

You see, I am an "IT" Girl. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It_girl to educate yourself if you don't know what an It Girl is already. Anyway, I have had things bought for me in my past from boys in high school but I never took it seriously. I usually just brushed them off. They were guys who were usually desperate and perhaps even had a screw loose (But then again, who doesn't?).

I am at a point in my life where I am transitioning into a professional, however, I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up. Perhaps this SugarDaddy hunt is a mere distraction from reality, but does it really matter? We all create our own little fantasies from time to time, especially when life gets tough. I've always been unconventional in my ways and love pushing the envelope. Welcome to my Sugar journey and I hope you are along for the ride, because I sure am.