Sunday, October 25, 2009

Just chillin'

Let's see, nothing too exciting here in my sugarland. I have been helping my IRL sugarbaby friend find an SD by playing matchmaker. Hmm what else...I just sent my SD a short but sweet e-mail since I have not heard from him for over a week. I just sent him a funny Halloween joke and hoped that he was doing well. He better not forget about me!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tick Tock

...still waiting patiently. I did have a dream last night with lots of sugary goodness so we shall see, we shall see.

I did send my SD some sexy glamor shots while he was away overseas so he wouldn't forget about me, hehe. He seemed to enjoy them. Although he was the one who said to keep an eye on my e-mail, I was to one to write him.

I figure, he's the busy one and I have nothing to lose. I've always been used to being the chasee in relationships so being 99.9% chaser in this one takes me out of my comfort zone. Now don't get me wrong, I have no problem making the first move, but being the main chaser is different. It's all good as long as I don't let my insecurities seep in.

I await patiently.

Who am I kidding!!!!!!!! This is certainly testing my patience! And I'd prefer to be chased. Haha oh well, a girl's gotta do, what a girl's gotta do!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oh, Brother Part II

So my brother asked me last night what I have gotten so far from my sugardaddy. I told him cash ($900 to be exact but I didn't tell him that). He asked, What for? You a prostitute now?" I stuttered, "Well no...uh, my companionship, my time".


"Well you should get him to pay all your bills". lol ok.

I then went on to explain that the arrangement is fairly new and that we're still trying to feel each other out (no pun intended).

My brother's comment, coupled with other Sugarbaby posts on "Hookers vs. escorts vs. sugarbabies" motivated me to post my perspective on who I think I am as a sugarbaby. I am not going to try and make a broad statement or definition as I just think every situation is unique--Individuals are just that, individuals. We all want different things.

What am I looking for?

First and foremost, there has to be chemistry in such a relationship for me as I need sex too! I haven't been laid in 4 months. I am also looking to enhance my current lifestyle. I would say I am in the middle class right now. I am looking for financial assistance so I do not have to worry about surviving while trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. I also have many expensive hobbies and things I'd like to try.

What am I not looking for?

A boyfriend!

With that said, do I think that I am a prostitute? No. Do you? Maybe. I just see myself as an adventurous individual who is seeking companionship and luxuries. Not just one or the other.

And if it works for now, why not? :)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Secrets, what secrets?

My brother found out today that I have a Sugardaddy. He's no dummy. He saw me get picked up by my SD's driver last week for my second date. He had asked my IRL (Sugarbaby) friend who my "rich boyfriend" was. She played dumb. Gotta love her.

Now I have nothing to hide. Why? I am a grown woman and make my own choices. What surprised me was that my brother was not phased at all. I'm actually glad he asked because now I won't have to be a ninja when I travel with my SD. My brother did ask several questions about Mr. Chemistry like how I met him, what he does and so forth. I answered truthfully and even mentioned then...he asked if he could get a Sugarmommy ;) Oh brother how I love you.

Now...would I openly talk about it to my parents? Hell no! They already know the other crazy shit I've done in the past and they don't need to know about this! Ironicly, my father and I have openly joked about Sugardaddies, even today. Ah...the irony. So now let me ask you ladies, how many of you have told someone about your sugarlifestyle, whether it be a best friend or family member?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Perfect 10

No I am not talking about the perfect breasts on the "World's most beautiful natural women" pornography site. Plus...I highly doubt these women are "all natural". Anyway! I finally was able to grab 5 minutes of Mr. Chemistry's time today via text messaging. As you all know, he is leaving tomorrow overseas. I thought he was leaving for 2 weeks, but luckily for me, only 10.

Mr. Chemistry said that when he gets back, the official 4K arrangement will start. I am pretty excited and it only makes sense for it to start when he is back in town. I know he will be here for a week when he gets back, and then he is gone again to somewhere else in the world. After 10 days...I think we are both going to get some sugar, if you know what I mean ;)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

*Wish List*

Seeing as I love to procrastinate, I have decided to post my Wish List (an idea I stole from...College Sugarbaby?). Anyway, here they are in no particular order.

1. Adobe Photoshop CS4
2. New Mac ($1000+)
3. Laser Peels
3. New boobies....maybe. C cup. ($6000+)
4. Ikea Drawing Table ($150)
5. MAC makeup ($200)
6. Airbrush makeup equipment & class ($600) [signed up!]
7. Movado watch ($800+)
8. New cellphone ($200)
9. Ipod Touch ($300) [Seeing as all of you girls are raving about it]
10. Hire webdesigner ($?)

...and a new car! But I think I would have trouble hiding that from family; talk about big ticket items! Oh well, I can still dream!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Soooo I made a Facebook today and added a bunch of you. I look forward to "meeting" you ladies and getting to know you all a little better! Anyway, that's all for today, lol. I am just waiting patiently for Mr. Chemistry to get back to me on a date/time to meet before he goes overseas for two weeks. Seeing as I squeezed his butt last time, he should be coming back for more ;)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Snagged - A - Dad!

Last night I ended my weekend with another awesome date with Mr. Chemistry. We went to his favorite restaurant; the food, drinks and ambiance was very nice.

After downing our first drinks, which happened to be fairly strong (and on an empty stomach), I was starting to feel less nervous. I tell ya, while getting ready for the date I was hella nervous. Sure, I knew I looked hot but oh my goodness am I no good at negotiations, hence why I was so nervous. I am glad Mr. Chemistry brought up SA and how it was going for me and if I had any new interesting messages. I told him I wasn't really looking, which was true. I wanted Mr. Chemistry to be my SugarDaddy.

From there, I told him I was glad he brought that up and asked if he wanted to make this arrangement offical, and what he thought about a monthly allowance. He said he was fine with a monthly allowance and asked if I had thought about it. I said I was thinking 5...He brought it down to $4000 pretty easily. Although I didn't hit my target amount, I think it is still substantial and good news is he said "4, to start". Sooooo this means it can only go up! Hopefully, haha.

We will be discussing details about the allowance and such this week before he leaves for his business trip overseas. I barely slept a wink last night as I am still trying to process all of this. Right now I am feeling a whole mix of emotions, which is hard to explain. Don't get me wrong, I am excited...But, I just hope I don't like this guy too much...

P.S. Hello Riss, my first follower!!! Haha. I hope you enjoy my blog ;)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Second Date!!!

So I have my second date with Mr. Chemistry tomorrow and I'm pretty excited. I feel like I should not be feeling this excited about a potential SugarDaddy but I am :)

Although I am excited to see him, I am nervous about bringing up the financial aspect of the arrangement but it must be done! I've lost sleep over this so tomorrow is the big day! I have a little speel that I have been practicing and I plan on getting glammed out; I will be wearing a new black little dress that I got ON SALE at G by Guess for like$12!!! Go me!!! I will then wear my blue swavorski pearl necklace that I bought ages ago and have worn only once to add some sparkle. Re: Tyra Banks show, men like SHINY! Haha, you really have to see that episode, it was pretty funny.

Anyway, my makeup will be sultry, add some fake lashes (not full ones) gloss and I'm thinking hair up. Oh I am excited! Wish me luck ladies and I will have a full update!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Sugar Baby Friends

I am lucky enough that one of my friends I met a few months ago is actually in the sugarbaby lifestyle. Although her's is a little more muted, it is nice that she understands it and is comfortable talking about it.

She is currently searching for a new SugarDaddy and may be meeting one next week; however, she seems hesitent about it, especially the sex aspect of it. I say, do what you feel comfortable with and you never know who you may have chemistry with. I can only do the deed if there is chemistry. So, we'll see if she ends up meeting him or not!