Monday, October 5, 2009

Snagged - A - Dad!

Last night I ended my weekend with another awesome date with Mr. Chemistry. We went to his favorite restaurant; the food, drinks and ambiance was very nice.

After downing our first drinks, which happened to be fairly strong (and on an empty stomach), I was starting to feel less nervous. I tell ya, while getting ready for the date I was hella nervous. Sure, I knew I looked hot but oh my goodness am I no good at negotiations, hence why I was so nervous. I am glad Mr. Chemistry brought up SA and how it was going for me and if I had any new interesting messages. I told him I wasn't really looking, which was true. I wanted Mr. Chemistry to be my SugarDaddy.

From there, I told him I was glad he brought that up and asked if he wanted to make this arrangement offical, and what he thought about a monthly allowance. He said he was fine with a monthly allowance and asked if I had thought about it. I said I was thinking 5...He brought it down to $4000 pretty easily. Although I didn't hit my target amount, I think it is still substantial and good news is he said "4, to start". Sooooo this means it can only go up! Hopefully, haha.

We will be discussing details about the allowance and such this week before he leaves for his business trip overseas. I barely slept a wink last night as I am still trying to process all of this. Right now I am feeling a whole mix of emotions, which is hard to explain. Don't get me wrong, I am excited...But, I just hope I don't like this guy too much...

P.S. Hello Riss, my first follower!!! Haha. I hope you enjoy my blog ;)


  1. Hi Mad Geisha! Welcome to the addiction! Much success in your search! Create an account on FB so that you can meet the rest of your Sugar Sisters! Enjoying the blog, keep us updated!

  2. Hey Princess, thank you! And yes you are correct, this sugar is rather addicting. That's okay I have so many already, what's one more right??? Haha, sounds great I'll make one tonight.

  3. Hey MG- Thanks for the shout-out =)

    I'm catching up on reading & enjoying your blog! I am a little jealous you snagged a 4k-er! Good for you!

