Monday, December 28, 2009


I can't help but feel that my ego is slightly bruised. I am not trying to be a hypocrite here, but I don't understand how someone can text me daily since meeting me, going out with me, and the day after taking me shopping...posts a new ad on Craigslist (I found this out through a friend).

Granted I guess we never made things official, which is fine, but how would you ladies feel? Meh, I don't know if I should even give a rat's ass but my health is at risk and that's rather important to me. If you do not have health, you have nothing. I guess we'll see what happens when SD#1 gets back in town; I sure do miss his company.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

First Sugar Shopping Sprees!

The other day I went sugar shopping for the first time with my new gift daddy (SD#2). I met gift daddy through Craigslist! I have always been weary about meeting potentials off of there but I seemed to find a decent one, even if he isn't that rich, and when I say "that rich" I mean he's certainly not a millionaire like SD#1.

What I like about gift daddy is that w
e have some great chemistry, he's cute, and younger; so, if I ever run into anybody I know (like I actually did on the first date with him) no one would think it's odd--he's barely 10 years older than me.

On our second date he took me shop
ping. Now I've never been on a sugar shopping spree before and I'll tell you what, I failed you sugarbabies. Since I don't know his true networth, I was uncomfortable spending an obscene amount. I should have asked him what his budget was, then I think I would have felt more comfortable. I barely spent $100. Epic fail.

This shopping spree brought me back to my very first transaction with SD #1. "Transaction" sounds so cold but in reality, it pretty much i
s one. And when I mean "transaction" here, I am the one receiving thus far. Anyway, th
e first wad of cash I got spelled a whole wave of emotions--I felt bad, excited, weird, uncomfortable and even felt like shit all at the same time. I had a wonderful time
yet I am being paid. Hmm. The feeling did pass and I realized it's like getting a period for the first time. It's weird, uncomfortable, I feel like shit, but it's natural. With that said, and sorry for such a comparison but I'm on my period right now, lol, transactions are necessary and natural to such SD/SB relationships.

Anyway, gift daddy, aka SD#2, I think I will
keep around. I do enjoy his company, he of course pays for everything. Although he doesn't like to give straight cash (bummer) he certainly and blatantly said that I will be spoiled (yay!).

It's funny how things work. I was so against looking for another SD despite the fact my main one has been gone for 2 months! Holy
moly. Again, sometimes things just don't go as planned but that is not necessarily a bad thing! On a bright note with SD#1, he will be back in my city next week and he said that he owes
me shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I'm super excited to shop with SD#1 because he not only will enjoy it, but he is a millionaire. I mean shit, he likes Gucci so I certainly won't feel bad when I pick up my first pair of Jimmy Choos! :D

Friday, December 25, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

All I want for Christmas is to see my SugarDaddy

I decided against meeting up with Millionaire #2 again. You ladies are probably like "whhhhhat is this girl doing!". Although I know time is of the essence, I just feel too pressured meeting so many times in a short period of time for pot SDs that are from out of town. And of course I took the coward's way out and e-mailed him instead of calling him (and he called me out on this, oh well).

Maybe if I was 18 again I could move quicker like I used to. I suppose in the future I would have to find someone in my vicinity like my current one. Maybe the next step would be to freestyle it, but not until after I have tied up some threads with my current SD.

So there you have it. I probably won't be posting again until end of December or in the New Year. I wish you ladies all Happy holidays and Happy new year! And of course the best of luck with your sugar hunt.

All I want for Christmas real SugarDaddy.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Millionaire #2: Sugar Rush

I went on a sugar date last night with Millionaire #2. I found out right before my date that he had contacted my friend who was on that site; nothing wrong with that, but I found out he is not as generous as my "current SD" (still in quotes as I have yet to solidify things with him). My friend said that he was rather sexual and was offering only 2K.

Although slightly put off, I went on the date. He was easy on the eyes, in his mid 40s and rather funny. He did not bring up sex and I did not bring up the allowance, although I sort of wanted to. Per my friend, she thinks he is somewhat desperate, but he said he wasn't, as I am not as well. After I said that, I realized now he certainly may not give me 4K. He did mention that "we should get me an Ipod". Hmm. He may be more of a gifts/trips daddy.

Now, I did have a pleasant time with him, dinner and drinks, but what I hate about pot SDs that do not live in my area....well things are rushed. I don't like to rush into things, although some sugar right now would be nice...hmmm

So, I guess my dilemma is...Can I be with him AND my "current SD"? Should I? Would I? Could I? Ugh. He would only want to meet 1-2 times per month, which is ok. My "current SD" gets back overseas third week of December. Now I know he trusts me and has to be still interested as I had asked for his mailing address and he gave it to me. I want to send him a small gift for Christmas. Also, I hope to see him then because it is near Christmas, but he may be with family....

Sooo what do you girls think, should I also have a second SD? My mind says yes, but could I really do it? (no pun intended lol). I would see him Sunday, and he wants me to bring him some patron, and well......take a guess, I know what he wants. Oh, and I have to call him today so I pretty much need to decided ASAP.

Man, no wonder why so many girls get burnt out fast!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Half Heart

I still do and want to believe...

but also trying not to be too foolish (or perhaps it's too late for that) but anyway, I am just seeing what else is out there. Casted a few new lines, so we will see. But like I said, I still have some faith in the current...
